Written by Me
Articles and Books
I wrote the following articles and books about Agile Software Development:
Article: "Lachlan Heasman and Bernd Schiffer on Agile Coaching", Interview (incl. video), 10/2013, InfoQ (online)
Article: "Agile Management Innovations: A Primer", Executive Report, Agile Product & Project Management Vol. 14 No. 1 05/2013, Cutter Consortium (online)
Chapter in "Agile Projekte mit Scrum, XP, Kanban im Unternehmen durchführen" [Agile Projects with Scrum, XP, Kanban in Organisations], Henning Wolf (ed.), dpunkt-Verlag, 2011 (Amazon)
Chapter in "Agile Entwicklungspraktiken mit Scrum" [Agile Development Practices with Scrum], Roman Pichler (ed.), Stefan Roock (ed.), dpunkt-Verlag, 2011 (Amazon)
Article: "Grails in Action: WerKannWann.de-Erfahrungsbericht", Java Magazin 08/2009, page 56
Article "Entwurfsmuster: Flexibel programmieren mit dem Fluent Interface", ix 05/2008, page 126
Article "Spielzimmer aufräumen - Refaktorisieren macht Quellcode lesbarer", c't 17/2003, page 204
Did you check out my blog Agile Trail? Lot's of more to read there. I regularly blog about Agile Management, Scrum, Kanban, change and improvement. My last 3 blog posts are about: