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Examples of My Presentations

This was my presentation "Scrum, Kanban und (r)evolutionäre Veränderungen" (Scrum, Kanban and (r)evolutionary Changes) from SEACON 2011. I did that together with Henning Wolf in a role play. It was one of the best received sessions at that conference.

 "Die entscheidende Session" (The Decisive Session) was one of the best sessions I did at the XP Days Germany in 2010. The feedback from the audience was awesome.
 "Kleine Kanban-Kunde" (Little Kanban-Knowledge) was held by me at the Entwicklertage Karlsruhe in 2010. It's an introduction into Kanban.


If you want to see more slide decks, check out my presentations at Slideshare. There's also a list of conferences I attended and plan to attend.

If you want me to speak at your event, please contact me.